The Road Ahead
This post was originally sent to my newsletter subscribers on February 13, 2025. Click here to subscribe.
First off: THANK YOU.
The message I sent last week (I’ve saved it here if you missed it), was a very difficult—and frankly scary—one to send. But the outpouring of support and love I received in reply was overwhelming.
So many messages of solidarity, wisdom and hope. (And yes, fear too… If you’re not feeling fear right now, you’re simply not paying attention.) So many virtual hugs and good wishes. So many cups of coffee. My writing will quite literally be fueled by this group for the next month at least. ☺️☕
So thank you. For being there, for reading and for making yourself part of my community. It means the world.
One of the things I heard over and over in your replies is the same thing that’s been circling around in my mind:
Yes, this country is falling apart, and it seems in many ways to be taking the established world order down with it…
But I’m just one person. I’m not rich. I’m not powerful. And the problem is so big.
What can I do?
I don’t pretend to have all the answers. Just like many of you, I often fall into a place of despair and hopelessness—I give in to the paralyzing fear that nothing I can do will make a difference.
But we can’t allow ourselves to get stuck in that place. We’ve got to pull ourselves out.
Last year, at what was a very difficult time for my family, I wrote to you about agency:
I’m not helpless. I simply need to accept the change to our lives, make a plan and act on it.
I’d like to go back in time and give my past-self a hug. This is such good advice for the situation we find ourselves in now—advice that I’m probably too distraught to have come up with today.
It’s true, I’m not going to solve this problem by myself. None of us will. It’s a real possibility that the problem won’t be “solved” at all. The world is changing, and no one can predict what kind of reality we’ll find ourselves in in a year, two years, five…
But I do know this: If we do nothing, if we spend all our time doomscrolling and despairing, allowing ourselves to become incapacitated by the fear and the sheer enormity of the evil at work, then that evil has already won.
So while I don’t have the answers, and I honestly don’t know if anything I can do will change the course of world events, I’m damn well going to try.
Here’s my short and growing list of actions. If you have more, I would love to hear what they are—especially if you’re willing to allow me to share them with this group.
Political Action
To be honest, to me, this one feels the most futile. But I’m doing it nonetheless.
I’ve taken to calling my senators at least weekly, sometimes more often. I intend to get involved in my state’s upcoming Supreme Court election, and to pour as much energy as humanly possible into the mid-term Senatorial election—when my state’s extreme right-wing Senator will be up for re-election.
Economic action
This is where I get excited. Just like Letty from Swept Into the Storm, I’m a big believer in the power of the consumer. For better or for worse, In our capitalistic society, our economic voice speaks just as loudly, if not more so, as our vote.
Did you know there’s a nationwide economic blackout scheduled for February 28th? That’s a good place to start. (Scroll to the bottom of the page to officially join the action.)
It’s bigger than one day, though. My family is consciously funneling our money away from the long list of corporations who so easily caved to the new regime, and towards those who have courageously held to their support for DEI.
It’s not easy, but it’s possible.
A few examples:
I relied heavily on Facebook ads to sell books—that’s how I met many of you—but I’ve turned them off. Even on the best of days, I was giving Facebook (and billionaire Mark Zuckerberg) a full half of the money I brought in from those book sales.
I just couldn’t stomach it anymore.
Quite honestly, without Facebook ads, my sales are now reduced to almost nothing. And I have no idea how I’ll find new readers. That’s OK. For now, it’s worth it.
There’s a Target about a half mile from my house. In the past, you’d find me there at least a few days a week, picking up one thing or another. I loved shopping there. Everything about the experience—the merchandising, the lighting, the marketing, the product selection—is designed to appeal to someone like me.
But now… though I wouldn’t say I’m officially boycotting Target, I’ve started avoiding it if at all possible. There’s something about their abrupt about-face from their very public support for minority owned businesses and employee DEI to their very public announcement that these things are no longer important, that feels particularly deceitful.
I just can’t look at their shiny, happy in-store marketing without getting a bitter taste in my mouth.
So, I’ve started looking for alternatives.
There’s a Mexican owned grocery store down the street from my house. It serves as an unofficial gathering place for the Latino community, and I’ve always loved going there… I can practice my Spanish, be exposed to new foods, and their avocados are ALWAYS perfectly ripe. They even just added a bakery, which is incredible (though dangerous… if you ever visit, you must try their home-made coconut candy.)
Now, instead of going to Target for the random groceries I need between bigger shops, I’ve started going there.
I’ve also begun buying directly from my favorite menstrual pad company, which happens to be Black owned. I used to get their products at Target, but it’s easier and much more fulfilling to give the good people at Honey Pot my money directly. (Plus, everything is delivered right to my doorstep!)
Building Resiliency
Lastly, now more than ever, it’s SO important to take the time to nourish ourselves, our families, our communities and the world—however, and whenever we can. To practice empathy and to spread love… For in the end, that’s what really matters.
For me, this is about making the time to exercise and keep my body healthy, and about paring down how and when I consume the news.
It’s about taking care of my family and raising my children to be kind souls who aren’t afraid to speak up for what’s right.
It’s about taking care of my community in whatever ways I can… leading with empathy, calling out hate wherever I see it.
And it’s about doing what I can for those across the world who have so much less than I do, wherever and however I’m able.
I’ll leave you today with a campaign that a friend of mine is leading—one that you can be part of, too. It may seem small, but every action represents movement, no matter the size.
As my friend Amber wrote to me recently: “Many drops make an ocean.”
Hope for Congo Book Giveaway
In any conflict, women and children are often the worst affected. And taking away their chance to say no often can become a deliberate tactic of control.
For decades, war has raged in the Congo. Recently, the steady simmer has escalated. Countless women (and children) are at risk. Displaced. Far from peace or safety.
And so, my good friend, author and editor Amber Night is spearheading this giveaway in support of the Panzi Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping Congolese survivors of sexual violence get the healing, justice, community, and future they deserve.
By making a donation of any amount to the Panzi Foundation, you’ll be entered to win one of 5 eBook bundles (each including 13 historical romance titles by Amber, myself, Alivia Fleur, Kat Sterling, Felicity Niven and others), AND if you’re located in the US or UK, one mystery paperback bundle.
Here’s how to enter:
1. Make a donation in any amount to panzifoundation.org
2. Forward your donation receipt to ambernightwrites@gmail.com. (Don’t worry, this won’t contain personally/financially identifying information. Donation amounts will be kept strictly confidential.)
3. Include a note to confirm you’re in the UK or US to be eligible for the paperback prize.
4. You’re in! Entries close 28 February 2025. Winners drawn & announced in March.
Thank you, as always for reading.
Have a wonderful week. I’ll see you next Thursday - when I’ll get back to talking about books, I promise! ♥️
All my best,
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